It became clear as my girlfriends and I were at the farket (fake-market) with our three 2-year-olds. A few women flight attendants stopped us and asked if we lived here. "Yep!" we all smiled. They were intrigued and perplexed enough to continue the conversation and ask why. And so our explosion of Shanghai-awesomeness came. We raved about the jobs, the travel, the schools, the shopping, the friends and the food. It was an easy list to rattle off, and there was no second-guessing as to why we were here.
Made me start thinking about all the craziness that we endure here in Shanghai, and the many attributes that make this journey so adventurous. I'm sure the day will come when all this begins to annoy me again too. It'll be at that point that I'll know I've been here too long! In the meantime, here goes a few from my list:
You know you live in China when....