Friday, September 24, 2010

A little on the deeper side...

I've personally always been fond of expressing emotions by writing whatever thought popped into my mind. It clears my brain to put pen to paper, and allows me a minute to really soak in what I'd try to argue in my head. But, I've never known what to do with it once it's recorded! Now, with social media sites, people are empowered to truly write what they wish, any time they dream it.

And, since no one has set parameters for me, this is my chance to record the question that has encompassed me for the past few days. It begins with why.

Why is it that the most adored people in the world, those with humor as great as the sunset and hearts the size of the universe, why are they the ones in which God chooses to hand some of the most difficult situations?

As I write this, I believe I've found my answer. It lies in the question. It's those who are the strongest, with the best foundations, the biggest support systems, the most positive outlook on life, and the truest belief in faith that are inspired to deal with disheartening news. Just when you think that you are not defined by one of these, I hear your story. Recently, powerful, dedicated, and enriched women have shared their stories with me...not to collect pity, but to build awareness that you never know what can happen. Here are a few of them:
  • One amazing mother and wife was handed bankruptcy papers because she never wanted to be involved in the family financials and was not aware of the dreaded bank account that was spiraling into the red. Now she struggles to come out of divorce and take control.
  • Another young mother and wife was served the depressing news that the spot on her ultrasound has a very good chance of being cancerous, and now she is making the decision to go into surgery while her two little girls sit at home waiting and wondering. 
  • A third was the story from a dedicated wife, yearning for a baby to call her own, while tracking every change in her intriguing female body and battling ovulation monitors, wondering why they just can't get pregnant.
Why? We ask it every day, for some reason or another. Why did the kids think that was okay? Why didn't I remember to do that? Why is he choosing that? Why aren't things lining up the way they should? Why do I have so much on my plate?

The answer is within us. It all because we can. We, as women, can handle it and just when we think we can't, we realize we can. Because it's a teaching moment. It's a chance for us to spread our wings and share our knowledge. Because we can succeed and pull out of it, and if the outcome is not what we wish, we will show others how to make the best of it. And we do. Because we are women with hearts, minds, soul, and faith stronger than one can ever imagine.

That's why.

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