Tuesday, April 26, 2011

He's getting smart!

My kids are at the age, only 20 months apart, that they play so well together. I hate for them to grow up, grow apart, separate girl things from boy things, meet their own friends, focus on their own interests, etc.

Something though, tells me that it's not going to be just their interests that pull them apart.... it might possibly be Cade's annoyance with how much his sister talks! She doesn't quit!!! Every waking moment she is telling a story, wanting your undivided attention, all the while chomping on her bubble gum! She is the all-American, chattery, valley-girl who back in the 90's our parents mocked and made fun of us for.

Tonight the two were playing downstairs together while I made dinner. Of course I could hear Alayna bossing Caden around, being her sassy-self. He just took her orders and pretty soon Cade came up with his three motorcycles and shut the basement door behind him. I didn't think anything of it as Layna continued jabbering downstairs by herself. She was singing, playing with the babies, chewing her gum, and carrying on when after about 20 min she yelled for Cade (in a singy-song voice), "Big bruuuuutter! Wheeere arrrre youuuu?" His response was without pause and completely nonchalant, "I am still going potty."
Clearly, he did not come up to go potty! I looked at him (kinda sideways, I'm sure) and said, "Really? Why did you tell her that?"

"Cuz mom," he said, "... I don't want her to know where I'm at!" Poor boy.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Saying Good-bye to Mr. Miles

Jarin has fought allergies for as long as I've known him. And I've known him since college. But, I've also had my furry friend, Mr. Miles, since then as well. So when the ENT refused to do much to treat Jarin's allergies until he got rid of the cat, it was a toss up for me. Get rid of the husband, or Miles? Okay, well maybe not that extreme...

Then in the fall of 2009, Cade was put on an inhaler for an allergic cough. Oh no, I really needed to start thinking about my options now! While Jarin was such a good sport for 8 years, I didn't think it was right to make Cade go through the fight too. So I started pondering what life would be without the furry guy running  around.

Well, it's a year and a half later now, and we are planning to move. What a perfect time to find him a new home. But, I was certain there wouldn't be another family to love Miles the way we have. Even with the boys' allergies, not a day went by that either of them didn't hold, cuddle, and love him.

Finally last week I sat at the computer and wrote up the online newspaper classified, added a picture...and hit 'Save'. The next day, I pulled it back up on the computer... do I really hit 'Submit'? Yes, I had to. And within 9 hours I had my first email from someone inquiring. Right away I called Jarin (who was in New Orleans on business). "I can't commit," I told him.

But I did, and it couldn't have worked out better. Miles is now the brother to 3-year old who was afraid of the dark and reluctant every time his parents left him. The family keeps in contact with us regularly and provides continuous updates on Miles. Their most recent note said the following:

Things are still going really well. We have all grown to love Miles so much! He really fits well here and we all enjoy his company. Just as you said he is always close by where ever we are. Today Tyler and I made Easter cupcakes and Miles was right there "supervising" the whole time! :)

Here he is snuggled in his new digs...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Time with Granpa

I often write about family. It's a value that I hold close. It's why I'm the person I am. It's why Jarin is who he is. It's one reason Jarin and I clicked years ago. It's the basis of how we raise our children. It's why we are moving home...

A couple weeks ago, I packed up the kids and drove over two hours to see my grandfather, who's living in a care center, and cared for daily by my lovely aunt and her many co-workers. Granpa Don is my only living grandparent, and we don't get to see him often enough. And, that's enough to make a mom feel guilty -- my kids don't have the opportunity to endure that special relationship regularly.

It also makes me nervous when we do get to visit. I'm typically afraid that the kiddos won't be familiar enough with him to know how important hugs, kisses and that special bond is. But, my Thing 1 and Thing 2 blew me away!! When I mentioned the idea, they were excited! Right away, they drew pictures for him and I helped them add their photo and put a frame around each. Here's a shot of Granpa's reaction when they presented his gifts....
We spent two hours with him that afternoon, in his small room, and we reminisced about his life with my grandmother, how they met, when they got married, how they loved children.... and watermelon! He even shared the little watermelon he had in his fridge with Cade and Alayna. It was a fun day, to say the least.

I attempted to get a photo of all of us together, but Cade wasn't cooperating (as you can see he's not in the picture).... and frankly, Granpa wasn't either (he was too busy giving kisses -- which I'll take any day)!