Friday, October 12, 2012

TMI of Pregnancy

I've always said that pregnancy is beautiful; that God has created a magical experience with motherhood; and that it's one of the most unexplainable treasures that a woman can ever live through. However, I have determined one (of many) non-gorgeous moments of carrying a child: Vericose Veins.

The back of my legs look like a frickin maze blocked by blue blood vessel borders, which have continual deadends. They feel like they may explode at any point, and the only relief comes from medically perscribed compresion hose. And, isn't that a thoughtful invention! Every morning, I sit on the floor of my closet, in my bra and unds, trying to bend over to touch my toes just to pull on these wicked pieces of therapy. Let's be honest, they take the strength of a moutain lion to get them over your heel, and once you get that completed, you're out of breath and lucky to have them stretched up and over your thighs before one of the other two kids (or husband) breaks into the closet to laugh and stare at you as if you just landed from outerspace.

And because they are over $100 a pop, you can only afford one pair. But with just a couple days of continuous wear, they are stretched out. Not, of course, in the areas that you need them to be (like in the heel) but at the thigh. Great, so Sunday (as I am walking/jogging a 5K) I feel them begin to slide down. Finally, I mention to the hubs that they are now down past my knees and not at all assisting in the pain that is throbbing on the back of my legs. His response: "do you want to stop to pull them up?" Oh, yeah, let me start my morning-closet-routine in front of thousands of people. It's not as simple as just pulling up an athletic sock.

By the way, did I mention that I'm only 16 weeks? My last pregnancy, I started wearing this fashion accessory at 28 weeks, and by the time I delivered at 37, I had vuvla veins. Honestly, did you know those existed? I didn't either. So, if that progression happened in 9 weeks last time, I wonder where I'll find painful, popping, protruding veins in the next 24 weeks.

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