Saturday, September 22, 2018


Unfortunately, two years have slipped by - undocumented - in this little online diary of mine. And so much has come to be. Our family has moved on and grown, our careers have changed, our lives have become busy, sports and activities have taken over, and truly ... some days have been easier than others. Many times I've reflected on this outlet and wondered if I should pick up the laptop again, and begin sharing our life. Then something comes up and I don't. But today, as I read back through the many blog entries, I smiled; because without this... All the Fine Points become forgotten so easily. And I looked at my world and thought about the mom groups that I'm a part of and how much I love to share our stories - good and bad. And I thought about all the amazing family we have living other places in the country who only see the upbeat tid-bits shared on Facebook or Instagram, and I felt moved to share more.

So, here I am, hoping to catch up on some of my favorites from the last two years and hoping to capture a little of the coming two years. Because then, my friends, I'll be hitting 40 with 4 children between preschool and high school, and I'll most likely be wondering how I ever got there.

Stay tuned 💜

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