Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Being a mom....

It's an amazing feat to be a mom. I love the daily challenges, snuggles, kisses, and even tears. Honestly, I was one of those who was meant to be a mom. Yesterday, was a celebration of all that. Unlike some moms who say, Mother's Day is your day to relax and have time for yourself, I'm a believer that Mother's Day is the day to celebrate the time you have together. For our family, that meant everyone being together.

Fortunately, I had my mom and mom'-in-law' there, my sister, my husband and kids, but also my sister's soon-to-be family. We met in Iowa City and picniced on some tables by the playground; we played a few games of baseball and the hoola-hoops consituted bases; we raced back and forth to the nasty bathrooms to see who was faster; we licked melted frosting off the dessert; we kissed boo-boos when the kids fell (about every 10 minutes); we balanced on teeter-totters and had contests to see who could swing the highest.

We laughed, ate, played, hugged, and spent time together. Literally we were there... together... as a family... celebrating being a mom ... for more than 5 hours! It was the best day I've had in a long time. Hope you enjoy the pictures, and I hope you can see the love and life that we have, not only as mothers, but as a family.

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