Thursday, February 18, 2010

Update on Cade

The devil-cough is back in full swing. For about three weeks now Cade has fought the nasty hacking and finally yesterday we got into the doctor to talk about our options. Just like last fall, his lungs and sinuses are completely clear, but the cough lingers. We discussed allergy testing and possibly visiting a specialist again but after our uneventful day at UIHC in January, we decided to do as much testing here first.

The great part is that Dr. Omar is 110% dedicated to finding out the cause of Caden's cough, but the unfortunate part is that it requires a lot of blood work and a lot of waiting. Cade had two arms pricked for blood-draws last night and termed it "a bad night". I promised him ice cream afterward, but even that didn't change the dwelling of his big tears. Here's a shot of him waiting at the lab....
We finally finished and Cade cried the whole way to DQ, telling me that he didn't want anymore holes in his arms, and then I heard him tell Jarin on the phone "I didn't like the bleed sticks." Ohhh, he just broke my heart last night! And sweet Alayna played Mother Hen all evening, giving him his blanket, crackers, and hugs.

Anyway, they tested him for cat allergies, walking pneumonia, and whooping cough. We should have results in 3-4 days, and I'll be sure to keep you all posted when I hear something. All prayers are encouraged!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, this breaks my heart! What a brave little boy, I am anxious to hear the results of his tests, keep us posted and until then we will be thinking of you!
