Saturday, July 18, 2009

Time to myself

Sometimes I just love being busy and keeping up with the flow of new adventures, fun activities, and the hustle and bustle of having kids... and then there are other times that I sit back, take a deep breath, and thank God for the nice quiet days to myself. We all know those don't hardly come by often enough, but this was one of those weeks. Jarin left Sunday on travel and my parents took the kids... I had the opportunity to spend time with an old friend, wander around the mall, go running, and eat cereal for dinner! And by Tuesday, I was ready for everyone to come home.

Jarin returned last night, and when I went to bed at 9 p.m. he let Cade stay up and watch Jungle Book with him! (I think he missed the little man!) I'm looking forward to the weekend and being back to a family again, and this weekend we are super lucky because we get my two little cousins for a slumber party! Jarin and Kristi plus four!!

Hoping everyone finds fun in your company this weekend.


  1. I didn't know you had a blog! cute!

    ...adding it to my reader :)

  2. I'm excited you are starting your blog up again...since I hadn't started facebook. I will probably get around to it when its not cool anymore! Miss you guys much!

